Denmark and Belgium: so different?

Welcome on this blog! Here you can find information about my own experience in Denmark as an Erasmus student... Have a look to know more!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Teaching practice in Realskole

From Monday 11th to Friday 23th Sophie and I went to "Realskole" and observed some English lessons. We heard it was a private school where parents have to pay.The amount of students can't be more than 20.
We got the chance to observe 4 differents classes : 7b, 7c, 8a, 8c. They were between 13 and 15 years old.

Immediatly we felt at ease there and also with the teachers. They were all nice with us and didn't hesitate to answer our questions. They tried to make us involved in the lessons.
The first days, they offered us to make a presentation about Belgium.

We were really surprised by the students' level of English. It was really great to make some activities with them : they have a lot of ideas and they feel at ease. They know that they are able to speak and dare to take part in lots of conversations.

We also observed some similarities and differences between Denmark and Belgium. For example, the lessons here last 45 minutes and 50 in Belgium. The students here don't have to complete a diary but we have to do it in our country. Finally, nobody repeats a year here. In Belgium, if a student fails his examinations, he has a second chance in August and if he fails again, he repeats his school year, even for one subject.
We noticed that there were many differences as far as the school system and teaching English are concerned.

Being aware of that made us realize that there are many ways to be a good teacher :)

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